In the majority of cases that do receive treatment, the first course of action is to suggest changes in the feeding technique. Suggestions often include feeding the child smaller, more frequent meals, more diligent burping during and after feedings, and holding the child in an upright position during feedings. For mothers who breastfeed, it may be suggested that she avoid eating cow's milk products or other foods that may contribute to acid reflux. If the child is formula fed, a change in formula may be suggested.
If the case is more severe, other strategies may be followed:
Medication: If the child is uncomfortable as a result of the reflux, a doctor may prescribe an infant dose of a heartburn-relief medication used by adults. These may include Tagamet, Zantax, or Prilosec.
Alternate feeding strategies: If the acid reflux is interfering with the child's growth, it may be necessary to increase the caloric intake at each feeding. In rare cases, a feeding tube may be required.
Surgery: In rare cases, the muscles that, when relaxed, allows food into the stomach, must be surgically tightened. This procedure ensures that less acid can flow back (reflux) into the esophagus. This route is generally taken only in cases where the child experiences difficulties in breathing or diminished growth as a result of the reflux. The procedure comes with potentially serious complications.
Although it is always best to consult a physician before taking action to self-treat a child with acid reflux, there are some at-home treatments that your doctor may suggest. These include:
- Feeding the child when he or she is relaxed; don't wait for him to become frantic
- Feeding your baby in an upright position, and keep the child in this position for between 15 and 30 minutes following the feeding.
- Feeding more often. Feeding the child smaller, more frequent meals may help.
- Taking the time to burp the child frequently during each feeding.
- Raising the head of the cot slightly. Because lying flat may aggravate the condition, it may help to raise the head of the child's cot by 30 degrees.
Treatments outside of surgery and medication may also be used to ease the symptoms of acid reflux. See Must-Haves for Babies with Acid Reflux for more information regarding items and techniques that help with acid reflux.
If the case is more severe, other strategies may be followed:
Medication: If the child is uncomfortable as a result of the reflux, a doctor may prescribe an infant dose of a heartburn-relief medication used by adults. These may include Tagamet, Zantax, or Prilosec.
Alternate feeding strategies: If the acid reflux is interfering with the child's growth, it may be necessary to increase the caloric intake at each feeding. In rare cases, a feeding tube may be required.
Surgery: In rare cases, the muscles that, when relaxed, allows food into the stomach, must be surgically tightened. This procedure ensures that less acid can flow back (reflux) into the esophagus. This route is generally taken only in cases where the child experiences difficulties in breathing or diminished growth as a result of the reflux. The procedure comes with potentially serious complications.
Although it is always best to consult a physician before taking action to self-treat a child with acid reflux, there are some at-home treatments that your doctor may suggest. These include:
- Feeding the child when he or she is relaxed; don't wait for him to become frantic
- Feeding your baby in an upright position, and keep the child in this position for between 15 and 30 minutes following the feeding.
- Feeding more often. Feeding the child smaller, more frequent meals may help.
- Taking the time to burp the child frequently during each feeding.
- Raising the head of the cot slightly. Because lying flat may aggravate the condition, it may help to raise the head of the child's cot by 30 degrees.
Treatments outside of surgery and medication may also be used to ease the symptoms of acid reflux. See Must-Haves for Babies with Acid Reflux for more information regarding items and techniques that help with acid reflux.